Bijak berbelanja, keluarga bahagia
Item Type: Article
Year: 00/09/2015
Abstract: Building a family requires knowledge of proper financial management. Both before and after marriage, financial problems will always linger in our minds, especially when family members are increasing. Seven (7) quick guides on family financial management using SmartBelanja Module for mutual benefit i.e. intention to save, have fixed and additional income, distribution of income money immediately for certain payments, make savings, always discuss with family members to avoid wastage and always pray that sustenance is always a blessing.
Balancing the three dimensions of sustainable development: from integration to implementation
Item Type: Newsletter
Year: 00/00/2015
Abstract: Malaysia has been able to transform from a low-income economy in the 1970s to a high middle-income economy today. Parallel to the economic achievement, Malaysia has also achieved commendable success in terms of social progress. These achievements are in line with Malaysia’s commitment to place the wellbeing of the people as the priority of its development efforts. As such, the government is committed to protect the environmental quality of life and caring for the planet, while harnessing economic value from the process.