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Tingkah laku seks di kalangan warga 45 tahun dan ke atas
Item Type: Research Report
Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara, Malaysia,  and
Year:  00/00/2006
Abstract:  An opinion survey on 'Sexual Behavior Among Citizens 45 Years and Above' which was first conducted by the Human Reproduction Division (BRM) was conducted in the Klang Valley area from February to June 2003. The 'Convenience Sampling' sampling method was used where respondents who meet certain criteria fill in the questionnaire themselves. A total of 473 respondents consisting of 50.1% Malays, Indians (26.6%) and Chinese (23.3%) where men (53.5%) outnumber than women (46.5%). The majority of respondents comprised the age group of 50-59 years (41.25%). From the 220 female respondents, only 7.3% took hormone replacement therapy. The results of the study found that the importance and satisfaction of sex decreases with age where it is more pronounced among women than men. The frequency of sexual intercourse is performed in the range of 4-8 times a month (46.3%). Although only 16.7% of respondents had sex-related problems, 70.9% of them did not know the source of help and treatment for their problems. Among those who received treatment, 56.4% chose to seek modern treatment. 55.7% of respondents with sexual problems have at least one chronic disease. A total of 85.6% disagreed and looked for another partner as a way out of sex -related problems. Expectations for better sex in the future are still high at 69.1%. In conclusion, for middle-aged and above despite the declining importance of sexual intercourse, their right to access to knowledge and services related to sexual problems needs to be addressed immediately, especially by medical practitioners, especially the Human Reproduction Division and LPPKN in general. A systematic and ‘gender-sensitive’ approach can help overcome the problem of family institutional breakdown and problems related to incest.
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Implementation of the ICPD-PoA in Malaysia
Item Type: Research Report
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia,  and
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia and
Year:  00/00/2004
Abstract:  The International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) held in Cairo in 1994 was regarded as a landmark in the population and development field. At this conference,179 countries,including Malaysia,adopted a 20-year Programme of Action(PoA).The ICPD-PoA calls for empowering of women and providing them with more choices through access to education and health services and promoting skill development and employment.The PoA includes goals in regard to education, especially for girls, and for further reduction of infant, child and maternal mortality levels. It also addresses issues relating population;the environment and consumption patterns; the family; internal and international migration; prevention and control of the HIV/AIDS pandemic; information,education and communication;and research and development.This report assesses the progress made by Malaysia in the implementation of ICPD-PoA and in meeting the Millennium Development goals (MDGs). It provides a situational analysis of the population,development,reproductive health and gender related issues, and discusses the various policies and programmes implemented to achieve the objectives of ICPD-PoA. It also emerging challenges and opportunities and put forth some recommended strategies to further strengthen ICPD-PoA implementation in Malaysia.
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Wanita hari ini: anak atau kerjaya 2002-2003
Item Type: Research Report
Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara, Malaysia,  and
Year:  00/12/2003
Abstract:  The participation of women in the labor force has increased from 37.0 percent in 1971 to 42.0 percent in 1991 and 46.9 percent in 2001. This increase is directly not only increase the number of women working but working spouses. The growing number of working couples has raised some challenges that need to be addressed wisely. Among these challenges is the increasing needs of child care services, maid and time management in discharging its responsibilities as a wife, mother and employee, and that is as important as the son and daughter-in-law for who still have parents and parent-in-law. This study is to explore the extent to which women today give preference between career and family, whether they want to increase the number of children or career development, and the factors that influence their choice. The study sample includes 2.909 women working in the public and private sectors who are 40 years and under, are married and have at least one child aged under 13 years. Overall, the mean number of children a woman is owned by a total of 2.4 people. Meanwhile, the mean ideal number of children who think they are up to 4 people. Nearly 14.0 percent of working couples in conflict between family and career. Due to child care problems, 8.3 percent of women had to quit work and 7.8 per cent had to take leave without pay. New initiatives and implemented if there is a desire to boost the female employees to increase the number of children or not, such as subsidized child care costs, while the policy stops working women, child care services in the workplace, child care services in the area of residence, and flexible working hours.
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Kajian Penduduk dan Keluarga Setinggan di Lima Bandar Utama, Semenanjung Malaysia
Item Type: Research Report
Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara, Malaysia,  and
Year:  00/00/2001
Abstract:  This study is to collect information on the population and squatter families from the demographic and socio-economic aspects. A total of 1.423 dwellings in slum areas has been carried out censorship. Of this amount, a total of 7.310 identified household members and 1,308 ever married women aged 15 to 49 years were selected. The study was conducted in five major cities in Peninsular Malaysia, namely, Ipoh, Sungai Petani, Petaling Jaya, Kuala Lumpur and Johor Bahru. The study covers the demographic information, housing and environmental conditions, the labor force participation, aspects of migration and relocation, neighborhood issues and community life, family interaction and communication between family members, reproductive health and health practices, child care issues, aspirations / hope respondents about their children's education in the future, and interaction respondent / husband with parents.
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Profil keluarga/Family profile Malaysia
Item Type: Research Report
Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara, Malaysia,  and
Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara, Malaysia and
Year:  00/00/1999
Abstract:  The book on Family Profile: Findings of studies contains information from studies done by NPFDB namely Population and Family Survey,1984 and 1994, The socio-Economic effects of population Ageing in Malaysia,1986, Malaysian Family life Survey 1988, Sub-National District population Survey (Kajian Penduduk Daerah) 1992. A survey on the Effects of Socio-Economic Development on Family and Gender Relations in Kuala Lumpur,1995, Adolescents Social Behaviour in Malaysia 1994/95, Adolescents Social Behaviour 1993 and Terengganu, 1995 and Adolescents Reproductive Health and Sexual Behaviour in Malaysia, 1994/95.The findings of these studies have been analysed and arranged according to the changing patterns and trends that have occurred to families since 1986. Some of these studies are representative of Peninsular Malaysia while others are confined only to certain areas of the Peninsular. Nevertheless, the description of situations derived from these findings are consistent and reliable.
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