Action -oriented research and training for improved management of population programme
Item Type: Research Report
Year: 00/00/1986
Abstract: This study was conducted with the aim to identify and clarify some of the management issues and problem involved in the implementation of family planning services to all strata across the country.It has also hopes to develop improved management concepts for the application to the family planning programmes. The case study covered three states in Peninsular Malaysia, namely, Selangor, Terengganu and Penang. Upon visiting NPFDB family planning clinics of the three states, 175 respondents are identified.
Survey on health and family planning in Johore and Perak Malaysia
Item Type: Research Report
Year: 00/00/1982
Abstract: The Malaysian project on Studies on Health and Family Planning aims to make a comprehensive analysis of the state of the health care and family planning service and delivery systems in Malaysia to enable health and population planners and administrators in more effective planning and programme management. This study will include traditional medicine in relation to health and family planning.
Ethnicity, attitude and fertility survey
Item Type: Research Report
Year: 00/00/1980
Abstract: The objectives of this study is to provide information of ethnic differentials in fertility and associated cultural practices in Malaysia, to test hypotheses explaining the differentials or linking the differentials to cultural practices and social structure and to assess the role of the fertility differentials in perceptions of ethnic relations.
Study on childcare needs of low income women in urban Malaysia
Item Type: Research Report
Year: 00/09/1979
Abstract: The project "Child care needs of low income women" focused on the needs of families of each ethnic group in urban Kuala Lumpur. Nearly 500 couples, both husbands and wives, were interviewed to determine the differing problems faced by working and nonworking women in their effort to care for their children and provide for their basic needs. Low income families in selected squatter areas and low-cost flat complexes in Kuala Lumpur.
Study on migration: study of four major cities in Peninsular Malaysia
Item Type: Research Report
Year: 00/00/1979
Abstract: This study aims at providing some information about the origin of the migrants in terms of place of birth and previous residence and reason for making the moves. The problem of excessive population growth rate in the metropolitan areas of less developed countries has been a major area of concern. In Peninsular Malaysia, the average annual population growth rate in urban areas during the 1970-1980 period was 4.7 per cent while in the rural areas it was only 0.9 per cent. This difference was due not only to differences in rates of natural increase but mainly because of internal migration. Such trends in migration will have significant demographic and socio-economic effects on both the rural and urban areas. Studies on internal migration in Malaysia have focus primarily on the analysis of levels and trends, using data available from population census. Information obtained from such data are rather limited and thus sample surveys have been conducted to gather detailed information regarding reasons for migration, migrants characteristics, migration related decision-making process and post-migration adaptation.
Study on the evaluation of the effectiveness of IEC materials in family planning programme
Item Type: Research Report
Year: 00/00/1978
Abstract: The objectives of the study are: i) to determine the extent to which IEC (information,education and communication) printed materials have had an effect on creating a favourable attitude towards the concept of planned parenthood, ii) to gauge the actual needs of the people with regards to IEC materials and to utilise these findings in future production of materials which will provide a better and deeper understanding of the concept of planned parenthood.
Study of integration project of family planning and parasite control
Item Type: Research Report
Year: 00/00/1978
Abstract: The objectives of this study is to make plans to offers in and give information about family planning services and parasite control and to establish and strengthen family planning services in line with national planning and policy.
Malaysian Fertility and Family Survey - 1974
Item Type: Research Report
Year: 00/04/1977
Abstract: The Malaysian Fertility and Family Survey (MFFS) embodies two major objectives, one international and one national. Internationally, the MFFS is part of the World fertility Survey (WFS) programme, aimed at studying human fertility and reproductive behaviour. Nationally it responds to the need for reliable data on the Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice (KAP) of family planning on which to base national planning of population programmes.
Family and Health Survey in the Federal Territory and Petaling Jaya
Item Type: Research Report
Year: 00/00/1977
Abstract: The main objectives of this study is to provide basic demographic data for the Federal Territory and Petaling Jaya, and to provide estimates of the family planning knowledge, attitude and practices and to identify measures to improve family planning services. The survey covered a total of 3,679 household in Federal Territory and Petaling Jaya.