Population Policy Brief: Youth Sexual Education and Reproductive Health
Item Type: Act & Policy
Year: 00/06/2023
Abstract: Comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) is a proven and cost-effective intervention program meant to promote healthy sexual behaviours, prevent unintended pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and gender-based violence, and promote gender equality and human rights. Therefore Malaysian have to work together to foster universally accepted sex education within society by implementing a suitable tailored curriculum based on professionally-verified CSE.
Population change and educational planning in Malaysia
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Year: 00/00/2014
Abstract: Strengthen national capacity to plan and manage changing. Educational systems in response to the needs of society. Planning and preparing the education sector through long-term involvement and focused [sustainable] interventions. Improve the quality of the educational experience itself. Realise global agenda like ESD, EFA, MDGs and post-2015 Development (Education) Agenda. This presentation is describes about population change and educational planning in Malaysia.
Penemuan tinjauan pendapat tekanan dan cabaran keibubapaan dalam mendepani gelombang baharu pandemik Covid 19
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/03/2021
Abstract: This infographic is about of the findings of the Opinion Survey "Stresses and challenges of parenting in the face of the new wave of the Covid-19 pandemic".
Parental involvement in children's home-based learning (HBL)
Item Type: Infographic
Year: 00/05/2020
Abstract: This infographic is about findings of the online public poll carried out by National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB) to look at the parent’s readiness, involvement and challenges with their children’s home-based learning during the movement control order (MCO) period.
Population, education and sustainable developmet
Item Type: Newsletter
Year: 00/06/2023
Abstract: Education is a longstanding right enshrined in human rights and developmental instruments, including in the Plan of Action also recognises the key role of education in sustainable development, as well as the responsibilities of different stakeholders, particularly parents, in this regard.
Strengthening of human capital through education is a priority to Malaysia, with the Government providing free education to citizens up to secondary level. Malaysia is also undertaking efforts to ensure that the education system is robust, resilient and fit for the future.
Population, education and development
Item Type: Newsletter
Year: 00/07/2003
Abstract: Malaysia is of the view that continuous efforts in education is required to develop the individual's potential to the fullest, thus contributing to the well-being and prosperity of society and the country at large. In Malaysia, the education sector has been regarded a priority sector since our independence.
Penyakit Jangkitan Seksual= Sexual Transmitted Diseases (STD)
Item Type: Scientific Poster
Year: 00/07/2024
Abstract: This study examines the extent of knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) about Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) among married women aged between 15-49 years. The findings of the study show that the level of knowledge about Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) among women is moderate. Awareness campaigns about STDs that are more widespread and targeted especially at high-risk groups should be continued in an effort to increase their knowledge and awareness of the risks of STDs.